iBunco Support
What is the current version of iBunco?
The current version of iBunco is verison 1.0.
Is there any way to turn off the automatic scoring when it is your turn?
Yes, there is an option to turn on “Touch for Points”, which will make the game more interactive, since you have to touch the dice that score to get your points. You get five bonus points each game for playing with this option. To get to the Options page, touch the “i” button on the main game screen, and then touch the “Options” tab at the bottom of the screen. To save your changes, touch the “Resume” button in the upper left corner of the “Options” page, or touch one of the other tabs.
What do I do if iBunco “freezes”?
Turn your iPhone or iPod touch off and then turn it back on again. This can free up memory on your device and ensure that iBunco has enough memory to execute properly. To turn the iPhone or iPod touch off, press and hold the hardware button on the top of the device for several seconds. A slider should appear at the top of your screen prompting you to slide the red arrow button to the right to power off. It will take the device several more seconds before it actually powers off. Once it has powered off, turn the device back on by pressing the button on the top of the device again.
How do I contact you for support?
Email support@crystalspringssoftware.com