Oahu Revealed Support
What is the current version of the Oahu Revealed app?
What is the minimum version of iOS required for the Oahu Revealed app?
Why do I get a message saying "Location Unavailable" when I tap the "Locate Me" button? When I am in the Maps application, it is able to show me my location.
There are two main reasons you might get a "Location Unavailable" message.
First, in order for a device to determine its location, it must have line of sight access to enough GPS satellites to triangulate the device location on the surface of the earth, or an internet signal that allows the device to look up its location based on a database of the locations of many WiFi routers throughout the world. You might be seeing the error message because the device just happens to be someplace where it is not able to determine its location (and someplace different when you checked your location with the Maps application). Move to a location with no obstructions and try tapping the Locate Me button again.
Second, In order to protect users from apps that aggressively use the GPS and quickly drain the battery, Apple provides system-level control over Location Services on an app by app basis in the Settings application, and requires that apps ask users if it is ok to use location services when a location services feature is first used by the app. When you first use the "Locate Me" feature in the Hawaii Revealed apps, you are prompted with a screen that asks you if it is ok for this app to use location services. If you inadvertently said you didn't want the Hawaii Revealed app to use location services, iOS switches location services off for the app. In order to turn location services back on, you have to go the Settings application under Location Services and scroll down to the Hawaii Revealed app you are using and switch Location Services on for the app. If you are running iOS 6 or above, the Location Services settings are under Privacy in Settings.
The Hawaii Revealed apps are very good citizens when it comes to conserving your battery while still providing location services. Location Services are only being used in the Hawaii Revealed apps when the map is being displayed and you have tapped the "Locate Me" button. If Location Services are being used, you will see a button on the map screen that says "Turn Tracking Off". If you tap this button, the app will stop using location services to conserve your battery. If you switch away from the map to any other part of the application, or you lock your screen or switch to another application, the Hawaii Revealed apps will automatically stop using Location Services.
When I upgraded from Oahu Revealed v 1.0 to Oahu Revealed v 1.1, the app would no longer launch
Sometimes the App Store installs a bad version of the app during the upgrade process (this is a bug in the App Store, usually related to a network error during the download). To fix it you have to Delete the Oahu Revealed app from your device (press and hold the application icon and then tap the red x), turn the device off (this is required to fix the bad state in the App Store), turn the device back on and then reinstall the app from the App Store. As long as you log into the App Store with the same Apple ID you used to originally purchase the app, you will not be charged for the reinstall.
Sometimes when I tap on the icons in the corners of the map, the application hangs
Sorry about that. This is a bug in our software, usually caused by two quick taps on the buttons. This will be fixed in version 1.2
Why can’t I download the Oahu Revealed app over the wireless network?
The largest app that can be downloaded over the cellular data network is 50 MB. The Oahu Revealed App includes a custom, high resolution map of the island designed by Andrew Doughty. This map provides unique features such as shaded relief detail, hiking trails and beach access paths that can’t be found on other maps. Because the map is stored on your device, it is fast and works without an internet connection (required for many of the activities described in the guidebook). With the large size of the map, the Oahu Revealed app is 332 MB, and you have to download it over a wireless internet connection, or through iTunes on your computer.
How does the “Locate Me” feature work on on iPod touch since it doesn’t have a GPS?
The iPod touch, even without a GPS, has rudimentary support for location. The only Oahu Revealed feature that has limited functionality on an iPod touch due to the lack of a GPS is the “Locate Me” button. When you tap “Locate Me”, the app will ask the iPod touch where it is, and if it has an active WiFi connection, it will usually be able to return its location fairly accurately based on a database of WiFi locations and a blue dot representing your location will be displayed on the map, just as if you had a GPS on the device. However, this technique does not support tracking your movement the way it does on a GPS enabled device (the blue dot representing your current location will not update on the map as you walk or drive around). If there is no WiFi connection active for the iPod touch when you tap “Locate Me”, the app will display a message saying that it is unable to determine your location at this time, and no blue dot representing your location will be displayed on the map.
However, the offline map works just fine on an iPod touch as you walk or drive around because the map is stored on the device, and does not need a GPS or an internet connection to work. The ability to tap the map and see a dynamic table of contents generated with guidebook entries that are close to the location you touch also works on an iPod touch, because we take the pixel you touch on the map and dynamically generate a lat long for that point, then look up the lat longs for all the entries in the guidebook to generate the “Nearby” list, sorted by distance from the point on the map that you touch. So you will have to use your map reading skills with an iPod touch to tap the point representing your current location (or whatever location you are interested in), but the ability to see the Nearby entries for the guidebook works on an iPod touch. By basing the Nearby feature solely on where you tap the map, independent of your location on the island, you can use the Nearby feature when you are planning your trip at home, or when you are on the island interacting with the map to plan the next thing you want to do in a different location.
If you have a Bluetooth GPS paired with your iPad or iPod that does not have a built-in GPS, The Oahu Revealed app should be compatible with it.
Why doesn’t anything happen when I tap the Send Feedback link?
If you do not have an email address set up in the Mail application, nothing will happen when you tap Send Feedback! If you run the Mail application, it will prompt you to set up an email account.
What happens if I buy Oahu Revealed, but only have system 3.x installed?
If you purchase the Oahu Revealed App on a mobile device running iOS 3.x, the download will start, but you will probably get an error message that says something like “Unable to Download. OahuRevealed will be available for download when you log in to the iTunes store on your computer”. Connect your mobile device to the computer that you use to sync with iTunes, and click on the name of your device in the iTunes “Devices” section on the left side of the iTunes window. Under the Device Summary tab in the Version section, you will see an Update button and a message indicating that a newer version of the iPhone software is available. Click the “Update” button to update the software on your mobile device (it is free). After the version of iOS has been updated on your device, pull down the iTunes Store menu and choose the “Check for Available Downloads…” menu item. Then go to the Apps tab in iTunes and make sure that the Oahu Revealed App is checked before Syncing your device, which will install the Oahu Revealed App on your device.
How do I contact you for support?
Email support@crystalspringssoftware.com |